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Acquisition And Availability

Excellent Leather Jacket in Chapter 2

Acquisition and Availability

The Excellent Leather Jacket can be purchased in various stores once you reach Chapter II. It is priced at 5000 orens, making it a worthwhile investment.

Stats and Comparison

The Excellent Leather Jacket provides superior protection compared to the starter armor. Its stats are very similar to the Order Armorer's armor, which is not accessible until later. This makes it an excellent choice for those who want to upgrade their gear without waiting.

However, it's important to note that better swords can be acquired in Chapters 4 and 5. Therefore, it is advisable to prioritize acquiring those weapons before investing in armor.

Quest Considerations

If you are attempting to complete the Graveir quest, ensure that you have collected all five bones before heading back to the cemetery. Failure to do so will result in having to restart the quest.
