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Carolyn Parrish

Meet Carolyn Parrish, Mississauga's New Mayor

From humble beginnings to political powerhouse

Carolyn Parrish, born Karolina Janoszewska on October 3, 1946, is making history as Mississauga's first female mayor-elect. Her journey from immigrant to political trailblazer is both inspiring and awe-inspiring.

A life of service

Parrish's commitment to her community is evident in her extensive political career. She has served as a Mississauga councillor, an MP, and is now poised to lead the city as its mayor. Throughout her tenure, she has consistently put the needs of her constituents first, earning her a reputation as a dedicated and effective leader.

Parrish's passion for making a difference is deeply rooted in her personal experiences. Born in Poland, she emigrated to Canada in 1966, where she worked tirelessly to establish a new life for herself and her family. Her struggles and triumphs have instilled in her a deep sense of compassion and determination, which she brings to her political work.

Vision for Mississauga

As mayor-elect, Parrish has a bold vision for Mississauga. She aims to create a city that is both prosperous and inclusive, where every resident feels a sense of belonging. Her priorities include:

  • Investing in infrastructure and transportation
  • Promoting economic development and job creation
  • Enhancing public safety and community well-being

Parrish is eager to collaborate with residents, businesses, and other levels of government to make her vision a reality. She is confident that together, they can build a Mississauga that is a thriving, vibrant, and welcoming city for all.
